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About Us


Hello and welcome to TowerOfBricks. My name is Darren Hamel and I am the owner/operator of the store. I have been selling lego via another platform since mid

2018 and I am located in British Columbia Canada. I collected space,city and castle lego when I was a child until my mother gave my collection away :(

In 2015 I bought my first used lego set to build on the xmas holidays it was the medieval market village set #10193 and my love for lego was rekindled. My collection

now amasses over 1500 sets new and used. I love seeing my sons face when I bring home a new set and I hope to pass my collection to him one day as he is only

4 and is just starting to play with lego. After having a store on the other platform for 1.5 years I have decided to expand to Brickowl.


 Last Updated: 1 Jul 2020